Download Kinect for Windows SDK v1.8 from Official Microsoft ... 2013年9月13日 - The Kinect for Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) enables developers to create ...
Kinect for Windows 開發 Kinect 這個劃時代的體感操控技術,身為開發人員的你,可利用 Kinect for Windows SDK 搭配 Visual Studio 2010 ...
Kinect for Windows 開發 - MSDN - Microsoft 2011 年6 月所提供下載的SDK 為Beta 版,目前提供用於non-commercial (非商業 用途),例如:研究、展示、開發測試、教學 ...
Kinect for Windows SDK Offline Docs To install the SDK documentation to your machine, use the Visual Studio 2010 Help Library Manager (or a later version). Launch Visual Studio Help Library Manager by clicking Start > All Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 > Visual Studio Tools > Manag
Introduction to Kinect for Windows SDK | Kinecting for Windows Hi! Well I recommend you look into the Skeleton samples in the Kinect Toolkit Browser. They cover C++ & C# if I’m not wrong! If you have questions about c# –> (Currently too busy to make a tutorial on my own sorry :()
Kinect for Windows SDK - Microsoft Find videos, downloads, and docs to help you start developing Kinect for Windows solutions that respond to a user's voice and gestures.
Kinect for Windows SDK - Microsoft The Kinect for Windows software development kit (SDK) 2.0 enables you to create ... these downloads and documents to develop Kinect for Windows v2 apps:.
New Features | Microsoft Kinect for Windows Kinect for Windows SDK 1.7 is the latest update to our software development kit. It gives businesses the power to create innovative computing experiences that engage their customers and solve business problems through state-of-the-art natural computing ..
Downloads and documents for Kinect developers These resources will help you get the most out of your Kinect for Windows v2 sensor. The Kinect for Windows software development kit (SDK) 2.0 enables you to create commercial or Windows Store apps and experiences that support gesture and voice recognitio
[Kinect] Kinect for windows SDK 繁體中文教學影片- YouTube 如何使用Kinect 搭配官方版Kinect for windows SDK 來製作相關應用程式等教學影片。